Posts Tagged ‘ Glitterati ’

FLF Quicky

It’s Friday meaning it’s FLF time. There are only two store offering unisex items this week. Whippet & Buck and Doppelganger.

Whippet & Buck is the most impressive out of the two. For the price of 50L you get three tops (I am wearing one above) and a pair of dress pants. What is also cool about this offering is, The pack is called “FLF Unisex Umber Pack”. The reason that this is cool is because next weeks Luna color is Umber.

The other item are the jeans from Doppelganger. The jeans come in four colors. However it is 50L per color. For that price you do get all the layers and sculpted cuffs.

To be honest, for the guys. I would just stop at Whippet & Buck and call it good. Unless you need jeans.

Other Credits:

Hair: Shag ~ Boys Don’t Cry (v.2) – Black

Eyes: kermes ~ Cosmo Eyes – dark green

Skin: Kento ~ Cherish_T3 – Pure freckles

Vest: Curiosity~  vest (store no longer around)

Shoes: Reek ~ Swell Sneaks


He Shops to Much

It’s FLF time again.  Like most weeks, there aren’t many things for men. But none the less. This is what I came up with.

The scarf in this look is from Miel. While I think it is usable, you can tell it was made for the ladies on how the sculpt fits around the “boobie” area. It kinda puckers out. However, with the 50L price and the eight color options I think it’s worth the buy. And truth be told, you really can’t tell that much

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You are a pirate

Yar – har – fiddle-dee-dee You are a Pirate

….. Or a stripper.

<more bellow>

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