Archive for the ‘ Week Of Color ’ Category

Earth Child

One of the reasons I like social networks like Plurk is because it is a quick and easy way to share new store. Till Hapmouche, one of the Slipters plurked this photo *click me* day after I bought the same pants from a store I would have never heard of if it wasn’t for him. I am also going to cheat and say since this the pants are red that it counts as a color challenge.

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FLF Quicky

It’s Friday meaning it’s FLF time. There are only two store offering unisex items this week. Whippet & Buck and Doppelganger.

Whippet & Buck is the most impressive out of the two. For the price of 50L you get three tops (I am wearing one above) and a pair of dress pants. What is also cool about this offering is, The pack is called “FLF Unisex Umber Pack”. The reason that this is cool is because next weeks Luna color is Umber.

The other item are the jeans from Doppelganger. The jeans come in four colors. However it is 50L per color. For that price you do get all the layers and sculpted cuffs.

To be honest, for the guys. I would just stop at Whippet & Buck and call it good. Unless you need jeans.

Other Credits:

Hair: Shag ~ Boys Don’t Cry (v.2) – Black

Eyes: kermes ~ Cosmo Eyes – dark green

Skin: Kento ~ Cherish_T3 – Pure freckles

Vest: Curiosity~  vest (store no longer around)

Shoes: Reek ~ Swell Sneaks


Black Drama

When I think of the color Black. I tend to thing high drama high fashion. I am not alone with this, take a look around sl. Some of the most dramatic pieces are in black.

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You know that deep V neck shirt I like and use so much from This is a Fawn. Well I am using it again in this look. But that’s not the story. Here is the story. I am still doing Luna’s color thing and todays color is Emerald. So I go ahead and search it and a few things came up, Some elf suit from Bare Rose, Suspender socks, and suspenders from Pig and an Emerald deep V neck from This is a Fawn.

So I think “Oh great let me wear it.” and go to put it on. Who ever I run into a little issue.


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I normally don’t share where I take my pictures for my blogs. Honestly, normally, I take them at my house or home sim and I am not sure how my neighbor will feel if random people tp in to take pictures. But, the place I took my blog pictures today was so amazing and pretty I had to share.

The new Exodi & WoE, homes of the Exodi and WoE main stores (go figure) feels like a desert or a small farming town. It’s a great place to take pictures and to shop.

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You know what kinda annoys me? When people go “Ew why are you wearing a sweater, it’s spring” I’ll tell you why Mr/Ms nosie. It’s cold still. I know understand where winter ends and spring starts. I never got how people figured that out. So what a little animal saw it’s shadow and that means spring is over? I call bull shit. BUUULLL SHIT.

This morning when I was getting ready do go to school I put on normal hoodie, it’s pretty thick and keeps me warm, kinda. I take the bus to school and on my way to the bust stop the wind started kicking in. I thought to myself “Gee, I have to wait for almost an hour for this bus, wait for the metro (a metro is kinda like a subway) and wait for another bus. I better go put something warm on.” So I did I ran home, run up stairs (almost tripped) and grabbed a sweater and put it on. MmM Warmth. But BUT when it took off my hoodie in my class some annoying thing. This thing that is always warm gave me a look and said in a snooty voice “Eeer, Why are you wearing a sweater?!” Because it’s cold!

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Yep, I am still doing Luna’s color challenge. Right now I am on Silver.

For this look I channeled my inner Kanye West. It has to do with the glasses. I doubt Mr.West has glasses like these but I feel he would.

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He’s a Rebel

I have always oddly been attracted to smokers. I don’t know why, maybe it’s the sucking and blowing thing. But when I see a hot guy with a ciggerette hanging from his lips, it’s over. Like pants off grabbing at the guy over.

Now that I either freaked out out, or turned you on lets get to the blog. Yes It’s one of Luna’s Color challenges. Green this time. In the yellow post remember how I said that in my mind Gingers and Hippies go hand and hand. Well the same thing goes with the color Green.

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Old Cerise things remixed

So, this blog does three things. The first is, Luna’s color channeling I am on cerise right now and have 11 more colors to go before I catch up. The other thing is it also kinda half assedly completes the “Something Old” Challenge posted by Achariya.

The very last thing is does is this, before Gabie Glam I and a blog over on Blogspot called “The Wonderings of Gabe Bookmite” Sooner or later I am going to remix a few of my favorite styles from there and post them here. On September 2nd I did a look called “The Prince“, this look is/was important due to the fact that this was the first time I was invited to show case my style in a Magazine. While the Magazine is no longer, I still love this look

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Wearing Sunshine

I will catch up to Luna’s color challenge. I will. I am now on week six which is Yellow. Currently Luna is on week seventeen so I have eleven more.

For a long long while, I was blonde in secondlife. When I first joined SL, I would wear black or brown hair. The change to blonde came around Winter 2009 when Signature released their Rob Faite skin. With the new release of the Reese skin, I have chosen to go ahead and try being a red head. For some odd reason red hair and hippies go hand in hand in my head.

With that in mind I made a sort of hippie look. I wanted some kind of outdoor place and came across the new Tableau. Tableau was always a pretty sim but this new build is amazing. It remind me of Texas (though I never been)

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