Posts Tagged ‘ SLink ’

MFW Miamai, Tableau Vivant

Modavia Fashion week is upon us. This year there are quite a few male items showing in the fashion week. Here are two outfits for men from the designers of Miamai and Tableau Vivant. Some of the clothing items used in this blog post are only available at the Modavia sim. Those items will be in bold. Some of the times in this blog post were sent to me as review items

True to form, Miamai released very high Couture pieces. The dramitce size of The Begtse Pants along with the lace detailing makes them very eye catching. The Skanda jacket with the same lace detail, fur, beading and exposed areas make it a perfect pair for the pants. The pants also come in white. The jacket however only comes in black. Hopefully a white one will be released in the future.

To complete the look, I went with a new skin from  Tableau Vivant called Zero, and one of MADesigns  new couture hairs called Alys. Also used in this look was body hair from, the birk beard in black from Nanuk  and the Northern Lights hairbase with eyebrows from Antebellum &Bean which I tinted black to match the hair.

Taking a step back from their normal Couture style. Tableau Vivant went casual for some of their MFW pieces.  The Double shirt in white is perfect for a layered look. I paired them with the Prometheus pants. These pants are a nice sleek black color with a cool metal detailing on the back.

The avatar is styled with the same base and beard as above. The hair is one of my new favorites from Taketomi called Hans. The skin is still from Tableau Vivant but from their older Vincent line in December. The Golden studdes shoulder pads are also from Tableau Vivant. I added the amazing bare feet from Slink  and one of my favorite nail arts from Love Soul.

In both looks, I am also wearing Northstar eyes from Exodi and using poses from  Del May.



The Black knight

I made up my mind and on Gabieglam, it is corset week. This is one of my newer corsets, I got it just yesterday.

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Indian Fever

Cheerno’s new fall/summer line, called Native, takes face paint, head dresses and accessories of native coutures and pair it with modern pants, vest and tank tops. I was lucky enough to get a copy of CheerNo’s full line of clothing. I included the name of the outfit under each picture.


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Earth Child

One of the reasons I like social networks like Plurk is because it is a quick and easy way to share new store. Till Hapmouche, one of the Slipters plurked this photo *click me* day after I bought the same pants from a store I would have never heard of if it wasn’t for him. I am also going to cheat and say since this the pants are red that it counts as a color challenge.

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And They Danced.

Starting today though the rest of the week I am going to TRY to blog with someone else. Today, the lovely Foxy Innis joins me. She connected me and asked if I wanted to be in a blog with her. I agreed. At first we were going to do sexy Pirates but we ended up doing our own twist on the popular ballet movie ” The Black Swan”

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Baby it’s cold outside

Winter is just around the corner which means more clothing and colder weather. Some people have snow already (lucky people). He is a more winter look for you. Now SLink, the store know for making prim body parts, just released prim teeth. At L$ 250 they are worth the price even if you just use them for pictures. Now what I like about the SLink Teeth is that she gave you the alpha texture so if you have to you can add it to an already existing alpha layer.

Oh Josh skin from Kento how I love thee. If I wasn’t trying to have a modeling career in SL I would wear thee for ever. But alas it’s not ment to be. To add a “I been outside and can’t feel my face” look, I also am using 2.0 layer from L.Fauna called Ruddy Nose. It adds a SLIGHT pinkness to the nose.

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