Posts Tagged ‘ Vitamen ’

In the night

The owners of DNA were nice enough to send me review packs of their two newer skin lines. I meant to blog them sooner but I was having computer issues. But lucky I have them it all fixed. Here is my review of the Axel and the Damien lines.

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Deadly Games

If you follow my plurk, you know I have been looking for a Day of The Dead skull sort of facepaint for a halloween costume this year. WELL Thanks to Miasnow, I don’t have to look no more!

<Skin review and credits down bellow>

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Muism Trevor skin Review

If you follow my blog or the MADimage blog you saw the skin I am about to review. Icemocolo Voom of Muism sent me the following skin to review.

As you can see, the skin comes in three tones. On the very left is the skin in it’s darker tone (Sunkissed). In the middle is their Fair tone. The one on the end is my favorite, their Milky tone.

(More bellow)

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